Thursday, November 27, 2014



  • 最美的记忆永远都是放在脑袋里的,不是放在相机里的。
  • 生活如流水行舟,不前进便是落后。每天和时间赛跑,不甘停留原地。寻求进步的旅程是艰辛的,需要勇气的。因为要不断学习,接受新的挑战。
  • 有时候,眼泪可能并不是坏事。它只是变得更坚强的历程碑。
  • 没有任何东西是一辈子命中注定属於你的。不懂得珍惜便会失去。
  • 只要决定了就一直往前走,朝自己的方向走,不要回头。回头会浪费很多时间。
  • 我挨得住多深的诋毁,就经得起多大的赞美。我所有的努力是为了让自己掌握主动。别人说好不好不重要,我喜欢就好。我从来不是为别人而活,万箭穿心,习惯就好。
  • 人在面对困境是最重要的就是一个意志。你要不断告诉自己,你是最好的,你要去训练,要去学习。别人要花一分钟,可能你要花十分钟。这些都是老生常谈的道理,但的的确确是人生的真谛。


I'm now reading a book, The Shadow Year by Hannah Richell. In this book, the author weaves the interesting storylines with bombastic words and sophisticated description fantastically. The sentences are so wonderful and I think it will be useful for those who want to  upgrade their writing skill (like me). Kkkk, I'll stop nagging and here is the sentences, I hope it will be helpful for y'all~~~

  1. A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is the Earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.
  2. It is the smallest details that come to her: the damp grass underfoot threaded with buttercups. the air humming with insects, the snap of her nightdress catching in the breeze. As she wanders out of the cottage and down towards the mirrored surface of the lake, her senses are heightened.
  3. She dips a toe into the cool shallow s then wades out, thick mud and silt squeezing between her toes and a dark water stain creeping up the hem of her nightdress. Water ripples and disperses all around her and it must be the glare of the sun because increasingly it's as though she's looking at the lake through the grease-smeared lens of a camera-as if she wades not through a lake, but through a dream.
  4. A weak sun filters through the branches of the tree overhead, sending patterns of light dancing across Lily's bare arm. From far away comes the sound of a ball connecting with a boot, the delighted shriek of a child being pushed on a swing, the sound of a jet plane high overhead.
  5. She half expects the others to have forgotten the plan by morning, so it's a surprise to find them all squashed into Mac's clapped-out Fiesta and heading out of the city just as the clock in the Market Square chimes ten.
  6. All of them, it seems, are buoyed by the idea of escape.
  7. The roads shimmer in the heat, oozing sticky black tar, while the grass along the verge begins to crisp and brown like burnt sugar. After a while, even with the car windows rolled down, it is unbearable, like sitting in the blast of a hairdryer. 
  8. Mac focused on the road in front of them, driving them deeper and deeper into the lush countryside, past fields of rapeseed glowing golden in the sunshine and green pastures spotted with black-and-white cows.
  9. The hedgegrows are high and bursting with thistles and thick, snaking briars. Nesting sparrows dart from the undergrowth as the car passes by, while cabbage whites flutter against the blue sky.
  10. The grass in the meadow on the other side is almost waist-high and bursting with ox-eye daisies and scarlet poppies drooping in the hot sun.